Do not miss the latest news in Turkish football. With the TFF.ORG mobile application you can reach the developments, news and more of the Turkish Football Federation (TFF), A National Team, Youth National Teams, Super League, 1st, 2nd and 3rd League and all other Turkish football leagues.
While TFF.ORG mobile application subscribers have the chance of displaying match results, standings and fixtures in all professional leagues in Turkey by Info Bank section, which has a comprehensive content; football player, coach, referee profile information and detailed information about the National Teams and all teams can be accessed.
In short, anyone who wants to follow Turkish football closely should use this application.
- All news published by Turkey Football Federation
- Latest news and photos about A National and Youth National Teams
- Super League and all other news, match results, standings, fixtures
- All news from the Turkish Cup, matches and match results
- View the news by categories
- Read the news by voice
- Share the news via social media accounts
- Access to the National Team Fan Club account and benefit from its special applications
- Detailed information archive about the National Teams and teams in Turkish all leagues
- View upcoming matches in professional leagues
- Read TFF’s official magazine ‘‘TamSaha’’
- Get information quickly through notifications from major developments in football
- Follow leagues, clubs and players by adding them as favourites
- Access to the statutes and regulations of Turkish Football Federation
- Access to detailed information about football with Info Bank.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>